Saturday, October 13, 2012

Mid-term Check-in


1. What do you know now that you didn't know when you started the semester?

2. Give an update on your situation in your classes. Remember to try to avoid making excuses- try stay in an "active" mindset if need be, reflect on what you need to "do" to keep moving forward.


1. I've learned that I have matured a lot since first year and I'm more focused on doing school work, rather than partying and socializing all the time. I've learned about the human mind and the different qualities such as human spirit, human heart and will/conscience of the mind, of who I am and what I'm made up of.

2. So far, I've been doing well in my classes and don't have many issues in them other than some stress and anxiety. Disability Services has been helping me quite a lot through this process. I like all my professors as well; they have all been super helpful and supportive. To keep moving forward, I need to remain having a positive attitude to work and study hard.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Committment, Motivation, and Goal Setting- Dr. Justin Roberts

 Justin's talk was funny, intriguing and heartfelt. I could relate to his similar experiences of having an alcoholic father. I related to some of Justin's struggles he has in university, like I had in my first year; hence being in this class since I didn't take school seriously at all then.

His talk went over many different directions but his main motive was to 'work hard and no excuses'. He said to take school seriously, set goals, make sacrifices, show up to class and don't be afraid to speak to professors if you're having trouble. Being at the Mount, we have that advantage of being on a first name basis with profs and they are approachable since the class is small. I've had no problem speaking to my profs after class when I felt troubled or confused.

Justin also mentioned to have a good attitude and choice maker in your studies. Some thing will happen that get in the way but you have to live past them and go on with what you have chosen to do. I really enjoyed hearing what Justin had to say and got a lot out of what he said. I left the classroom feeling determined and inspired.