Saturday, September 29, 2012

9 Broad Outcomes from the book "What Color is Your Parachute"


I am an artist, so I connected well to the photography, painting and fashion. Also, entertainment played a big part on my mind, such as the ability to make people laugh and bring joy into people's lives. The planet also plays a significant role in my life, how we all our environmentally conscience and who we are as human beings.


  1. Hi there Gillian,

    Thanks for sharing about your passions here. I am just wondering, in what way, specifically, do you see yourself contributing to there being more "entertainment" and "joy" in the world? Can you see this as a connection to a future path/career? If so, what does that look like for you?


  2. I don't really know, Launa. I have ideas of what I want to do as a career but I don't have a plan. I guess I have some options like working in the Arts, but I don't really see that as being something realistic living in Nova Scotia.

  3. Thanks for your reply, Gillian.
    I think it is something that will come, the more you experience and work with what you love to do (e.g. art). Be open to doors opening to you or people offering to help-- you never know where this could lead!


  4. No problem Launa.

    I totally agree. I am starting to be open and so positive about things, everything has been turning around for the most part :)
